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CURRICULUM by Benjamin Swatez

Introduction / Intent Partnership -

It's Important to establish a healthy relationship with students based on respect, integrity and love. A safe environment must be created to build trust. By learning to trust themselves the student can learn to trust each other. Share a story that reflects the effects of honesty versus dishonesty. Prepare students for the six months powerful healing through art.


Composition of Dreams -

Every life is a masterpiece. Draw a parallel between the composition of a painting and composition of the student's life. Emphasize that human beings have been created and are creators simultaneously. Art opens the door to a deeper conversation with God. Invite students to draw their dreams.


Self-Empowerment Perception -

-Emphasize The duality of life between light and darkness through education class with the artistic concept of positive and negative space. Focus on the power of perception. There is a mass murderer and a saint within each human being. Students will learn that they have the power to change your reality through action by choosing their perception life.


The five senses of Humanity -

Humanity watches and interacts with the world through the use of the five senses: sight, smell, taste, touch and sound. These are the physical properties that connect the inner and outer worlds together. The learns how to draw eyes class, nose, mouth, ears, hands and feet. Students learn to love themselves, giving thanks to the gift of his senses. Do not sink into despair what is not and celebrate our blessings.


Emotional body -

-Teach students how to draw the human emotions in his self-portraits. Importantly, feeling emotion, an emotion, it is best to close all the feeling. If humans fleeing feeling, then we are already dead. In learning to draw their emotions students begin to develop an artistic vocabulary that allows them to express their inner world externally via a positive outcome.


Body Function Education -

-In Travel to accept and respect yourself, it is important to understand how the body works. Educating students about the functions and the metaphorical symbolism of internal organs such as the heart and lungs. Use the space inside the body to draw symbols of past pains on the left side and the present time development of the hopes and dreams of the right.


Human Relativity -

-The Golden ratio can be found throughout the natural world. 1,618 is a mathematical number that links art, physics and metaphysics together. Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the most famous artists to ever live, represents human proportions through art, and so the class. When students draw their body proportions greater awareness is acquired. Pain and happiness are drawn on the composition and are used to help release the trauma of the skin, muscles and bones.



Pictograms were created over time to represent the inexplicable. The cross, the star of David, logos goods, the Roman numerology, and even language itself are all symbols that are used to communicate a message with the surrounding environment. As students come to understand the power of symbolism that can learn to share their memories, pains, sufferings, hopes, dreams, and your message.


Message by Color-

-Emotions Often are shared through color. Ask students to share their experiences and memories that connect with each color. What does each color to them? There are no good or bad in art. It is important to celebrate the individuality of each student and support the unique expression that flows through us all.


Free Imagination -

Scientists, lawyers, doctors, astronauts, and teachers all have to use your imagination to explore the unknown. If humanity does not embraced and stimulate the imagination would continue to repeat history again and again. Through an artistic exercise helps empower students to explore the true potential of your imagination. Create an artistic composition using the imagination to explore their sollutions to war and how they believe peace can spread worldwide.






Color Wheel of Life -

-Teach students how to start with the three primary colors and then mix all colors imaginable. This is a very important lesson emphasizes that even if students have very little education and can manifest big dreams. The seed within the human psyche starts small and water will become a giant tree and fruitful life.


Emotional brush stroke -

As humanity walks through life painted the earth with every step. Our emotions are expressed in everything we do. This artistic exercise, "emotional touch" is directed to the practice of taking responsibility for our emotions and learn to use the brushstroke to express them. Art is a positive outlet that releases the trauma through each stroke.


The power of choice in motion -

-God Bless us with the power of choice. It is a responsibility to make use of this option and to promote a peaceful world. The power of choice in Motion is a lesson designed to exercise freedom of choice: the choice to hate or the decision to forgive.


Psychological Expression -

-Feelings Are neither good nor bad. Feelings are feelings. What is important is that humanity decides feel them and express them in the world through a positive output. Students learn how to share their feelings through art that represented by their facial expressions.


Life and Death -

There are life without death or death without life. No day or night without day without night. Ask students to share their relationship with death. Rather than continue to suffer with the loss of loved ones, celebrate the time we've been blessed with. Only the body is mortal. Although we can not touch those who have died, their souls live. Students draw half of a portrait in the flesh and the other half is the skull. The skeleton will be decorated with flowers and beauty.


Conflict management through art -

-By Using creative expression discuss the obstacles that students face every day of his life. Ask the class to discuss a variety of relevant topics and paint peaceful solutions that can be presented to the class.


Past, Present and Future Dreams -

Art: Use to create a timeline. It is important to create a visual platform that helps look into the psyche of human life with ariel perspective. Instruct the class to paint the past in the background, present in the middle ground and dreams for the future in the foreground. These exorcises are essential to open and release the built anxiety, guilt and fear of the past, leaving the black hole of despair and light.


Vanishing Point of Memories -

-By Discuss the law of relativity remind students of the distance traveled from the war. Validate and celebrate the courage that brought them so far. In this exercise, students draw their experiences during the war small in the distance. The current time of great hope is represented in the front part of the composition.


Livelihood and Sustainability material through art -

-Art Can be used not only to heal the trauma, but also bring money home. Creativity takes the form of many forms and in turn offers many opportunities to support yourself and a family of signs painting, book illustration, working for the media, paintings, etc. Teach them how art materials can be made from local resources.


Art on the environment -

-The Creation of life is art. We are created and are creators. Wherever you find art: clothing, architecture, advertising, electronic design and motor vehicles and the entire natural world. Humans are part of nature and masterpieces in themselves.


Nutritional awareness through artistic expression

- "Painting Still Life" is a form of expression that has occurred over several centuries. Fruits and vegetables are placed on the table, students study the contours and curves of organic forms. During this process, the facilitator uses the time to educate the class about the health benefits of nutrition.

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